We are a Marvelous and Incredible Work of God
From before time God possessed or had power over our reins or our minds as we were covered or concealed in our mother’s womb. As such we praise God concerning how He made us as we are a marvelous and incredible work of God, a work not to be matched or equaled by man. From before time God saw our incomplete substance or our matter and spirit yet to be fashioned or shaped and adapted.
God Hears and Answers Our Prayers According to His Will
In our prayers to God, we ask, seek, and knock to receive that which we petition God for. We are petitioning for the counsel of God as we ask, seek, and knock, and as we learn to petition of our prayers aright. It is good to know that God hears all of our prayers as we petition to Him. He answers us according to His will (1 John 5:14-15 KJV).
The Word of God Gives Us Insight Into Our Hearts
To study “the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 AMPC) is to study the Holy Bible which “gives strength to the mind, conversation, (and the) grace” or “the free unmerited love and favor” (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary) of Jesus Christ having had our handling of our study “tested by trial” (2 Timothy 2:15 AMPC). This daily study causes the approval, approbation, or gives God pleasure as we are workmen or skilled laborers examining the Word of God correctly “rightly handling and skillfully teaching”
To Offer the Sacrifice of Praise to God and the Sacrifice of Helping Others
In praising God, we “offer to God in homage (loyalty and service) or worship (adoration)…to procure favor…to express thankfulness” through Jesus Christ. We praise God through Jesus Christ because, as such, Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice through His death and subsequent resurrection, taking the place of all of our sins, tearing down the veil or giving us access to the Father, so we could pay homage,
We Do Not Have the Right or Power to Pass Sentence on Anyone Ahead of Time
“The word of God is the best rule by which to judge concerning men” (Matthew Henry Commentary). However, quite often we fail to notice the beam in our eyes regarding our own judgmental behavior (Matthew 7:3), i.e., to look to ourselves introspectively. God is the judge of all of our affairs (Revelation 2:18-23). We must acknowledge this even when we think our judgment is right concerning another person,
Let Your Heart be Converted by the Spirit of God
Let your heart be circumcised, converted, or have a change of heart “brought into life” (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary) by the Spirit of God by Jesus’ grace and not by the law. Seek the inward circumcision of the heart to be right with God rather than the outward circumcision of the mind due to the law. “It is the heart that God looks at, the circumcising of the heart that renders us acceptable to him”
In Truth are God’s Works – His Word if Just
God’s word or “the scripture of truth” (Daniel 10:21 KJV) reflects His “inflexible justice” (Matthew Henry Commentary) to those who are righteousness. God “loveth righteousness and justice” (Matthew Henry Commentary). To be right is to be just, not self-righteous which expresses “emphasis or distinction” of oneself (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary). And God’s works or labor has the elements of honesty and virtue in all that He does for His creation on earth.
To Prosper Abundantly is to Trust in the Lord and Do Good
Believers are advised to do good according to God’s word. As such, we learn to trust God to have full sufficiency (“his plenty being unexhausted”) and to be abundant in bountiful blessings from Him, i.e., to “live safely in the land and prosper” (Psalm 37:3 NLT) when we do good. This is more than we deserve. But by being redeemed in Christ, we humbly make covenant with God and come into agreement with Him,
Our Prayer is to You, O Lord, in the Multitude of Your Mercy
In God’s timing and season, “that may be receive with pleasure,” our prayers to the Lord are answered. They are answered because of God’s “great number” of mercies to us. They are answered due to the “overflowing quantity” of God’s loving-kindness or “tender regard (and) favor.” He hears our prayers in the truth or in the “exact accordance with that which is,” i.e.,
God’s Truth is Round About Him
There is no one like God. God is the Lord of hosts, He is Lord God of “any great number or multitude,” the Lord God of all. God is the only one who sees all, who knows all, who loves all, and who is Almighty, “possessing all power.” His faithfulness or truth is round about Him. His faithfulness or truth is “full; smooth; flowing; not defective or abrupt” which is His essence that “distinguishes (Him) from all others.”