In Right Relationship With Christ
Paul asks the question, who is the one that can bring charges or who are those who attack them that “God has selected or designated to eternal life” (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary)? “The devil, the accuser of the brethren, accusing them before our God day and night? This is enough to answer all those accusations” (Matthew Henry Commentary). These accusations are not justified or they are not proven to be just. However, God has justified or “absolved or acquitted (us) from guilt and merited punishment” (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary) by the grace of Jesus Christ. Thus we are “in a right relationship” (Romans 8:33 AMP) or “related by kindred” i.e., “granting (our) requests (asked aright), supplying (our) wants or assisting (us) in (our) distress” (Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary).
Who will bring any charge against God’s elect (His chosen ones)? It is God who justifies us [declaring us blameless and putting us in a right relationship with Himself]. Romans 8:33 AMP (Amplified Bible)
Brenda A. McGee has attended New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Master of Divinity student.