Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:27 AMP (Amplified Bible)
In this scripture verse, the peace that God gives us invokes prosperity, quietness, and rest.
The world, which is in opposition to God, gives a peace that can easily be distracted by trouble or some type of agitation,
The peace God gives us is constant. The peace God gives us is secure. As we have the peace that Jesus’ blood gives us, i.e., “My [perfect] peace I give to you,” again it is a constant peace, fixed, not varied, unchanged, permanent, and immutable; immutable meaning unalterable.
Having knowledge of the peace of Jesus maintains or preserves our mindset, our spirit, as we come across conflict or despair. God encourages us to have the courage to remain calm in His peace during every test or tribulation.
May the peace of God be with you.
Brenda A. McGee has attended New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Master of Divinity student.