Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. – Nehemiah 8:10 KJV.
In this scripture it is said that on a certain holy day or “a day that was to be established” (1), a holy day, a sabbath day (2), we as believers are to “go (our) way,” and to “eat the fat” or to eat richly (1), to “drink the sweet,” and to give “portions” or part (1), or to give the same food (or spiritual food) to those who do not have the same prepared for themselves so “that your abundance may supply their want, that they may rejoice with you and their loins (or children) may bless you” (2).
I, as a believer of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (the manifestations of God), see that each day that the Lord God gives us is a holy day, a sabbath day indeed to do good for others, free of charge, as God has freely given to us. The sabbath celebrated each day of the week, “celebrated with joy and praise” (2), gives us in turn joy and does not give us “a day to afflict (our) souls” over past sins which may give us a time to be sorry for the hurt to ourselves and others of our past sins, i.e., “neither be ye sorry.” “Every thing is beautiful in its season; as we must not be merry when God calls to mourning, so we must not frighten and afflict ourselves when God gives us occasion to rejoice. Even sorrow for sin must not grow so excessive as to hinder our joy in God and our cheerfulness in his service” (2). “The joy of the Lord is your strength” in that “the more cheerful we are in our spiritual exercises the more we shall abound in them….Holy joy will be oil to the wheels of our obedience….The joy of the Lord will arm us against the assaults of our spiritual enemies, and put our mouths out of taste for those pleasures with which the tempter baits his hooks”(2).
With each day celebrated as a sabbath holy day by starting the day with a time of devotion to God, i.e., reading scripture from the Holy Bible, talking to God or praying, meditating on scripture, and speaking in tongues (for which we can ask of God for the gift of tongues, a sole direct communication to God) before we do our work which also includes our work for the Lord in any manner, this early morning time of devotion to and with God gives us joyous strength above all oppression and persecution daily.
The love of God for all of us surpasses all of our self-assuredness and all of our weaknesses and frailties as He loves us as we are – even a vile sinner. God gives us the hope through His love for us in that we can be forgiven and thus free from any bad conscience or guilt of wrongdoing we have done if we confess or admit to our wrongdoing to the Lord which is the act of repentance, an act of maturity. Receive His forgiveness and receive His love in that Christ who took away our sins and wrongdoings by His sacrifice of death, Himself on the cross. By His divine resurrection we are in turn resurrected into the Joy of the Lord.
(1) The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D.
(2) Matthew Henry’s Commentary
Brenda A. McGee has attended New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Master of Divinity student.