The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; he has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]. Habakkuk 3:19 Amplified Bible.
A footnote of this scripture states “The troubled times of life may actually be the “high places” of spiritual growth for the believer who remains stable when tested by God.”(1)
So how do we remain stable when tested by God?
As God is our “source of courage, (our) invincible or ‘too powerful to be defeated or overcome (2)’ army (4),” one learns to stand in the face of adversity by tapping into God’s strength who is our fortress. Therefore, we are “not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance (2 of fortress)” that would overwhelm us if we hold onto God’s strength in our weakness. We look to God’s strength for courage while being tested, and as such, He keeps our feet or our steps or journey “[steady and sure] (4)” like hinds’ feet (4) or as a surefooted animal like “a doe or female deer (3).”
Afterwards we are in wonder of just how we made it through the test where God is present as we go through the test. God helps us through our issues. Then on top of that, we are able through His strength to “walk [forward with spiritual confidence] (4)” into our destiny or our “predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events (2),” predetermined by God.
We walk in our “high places (1)” or our “troubled time of life…of spiritual growth (1)” going “forward with spiritual confidence (4)” if we remain “stable (1)” or “firmly established (5)” in God’s strength when tested by God concerning our issues of life. God is giving us purpose by testing that which makes us become spiritually mature – to be responsible in our challenges (4). We must push away doubt and fear, and remain positive and confident as we go deeper into Jesus’ teachings and subsequently into the tests.
Isn’t this wonderful that God’s love never leaves us or forsakes us (6) as we go through our tests coming out as pure gold (7).
1 Matthew Henry’s Commentary
2 Google definition
3 The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D.
4 Habakkuk 3:19 Amplified Bible
5 Merriam-Webster Dictionary
6 Hebrews 13:5 Amplified Bible
7 Job 23:10-12 New Living Translation
You can find the aforementioned different translations of the Holy Bible free on your smartphone on the Bible Gateway app. God Bless!
Brenda A. McGee has attended New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Master of Divinity student.