“And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:9 KJV).
This particular blog is more of a thought than of a teaching. I just finished watching a prominent TV evangelist on one of the prominent TV evangelist stations on cable TV. This program portrayed African-American children who had been through our American foster care system. These children talked about how they became adopted in their late teenage years by good adoptive parents who encouraged them to go on to college and a better life for themselves. The children talked about how their birth parents were not there for them, and some birth parents had gone off to jail. This program reminded me of a secular program back in the 70″s or 80’s where a young black male was abandoned by his parents as the social workers supported him in his detachment from his parents. I heard nothing on either program regarding family reconciliation.
The question is “who prays, or supports, or heals the dysfunctional parents, thus the dysfunctional family?
No mention was made by the TV evangelist program or the secular program I saw in the 70’s or 80’s regarding the dysfunctional birth parents. And why were the abandoned children not encouraged to pray, or minister to, or visit their birth parents by any adoptive parents, or social worker as it was presented on this particular TV evangelist program or the secular program from the 70’s and 80’s?
Shouldn’t the whole dysfunctional family, mother, father, children, finding the father or mother or lost children, and shouldn’t these families be serviced by a church, pastor, social worker, or any individual holistically?
It is like these families are aborted into their own individual components, i.e., good home, jail, drug program, alcoholic program, homes for runaways, foster care, separately and the holistic healing of the dysfunctional family is not addressed at all!
I remember that when I read my Holy Bible it tells of Jesus healing families, adulterers, publicans, and sinners, Jews and Gentiles alike, from all walks of life. Perhaps America is not following the way of Jesus after all! We pick and choose who we want to help, not going into all the world (“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15 KJV).
It could have been children of any race or culture, but shouldn’t we do the uncomfortable work, get our hands dirty, and plant seeds everywhere including seeds for any dysfunctional family. The laborers are few, but perhaps pastors and laymen need to knock on these doors in all the ghettos in America, white, black, yellow or red, of the dysfunctional family and minister to them as I was once ministered to by a brave pastor who knocked on my door (and he was not a Jehovah Witness member)! Who will get to know their communities and seek out and help these broken families that we hear of so much today? Who?
God Bless You All!
God bless you all!
Brenda A. McGee has attended New York Theological Seminary in New York, NY, and Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA as a Master of Divinity student.